I’m documenting that you are mine. Always. There is not a moment that is not ours.
From the time I wake up, I’m thinking about you. As I move throughout my morning, I’m counting down until I can hear your voice. I check constantly to see if you’re noticed I’m awake. I’m already aching to connect with you.
As I bounce between all the daily tasks, I’m thinking about when I can connect with you again. Can I sneak a kiss? Can we sit for a few minutes and talk? Can we get naked and cuddle? Can I call him now? Every break is filled with a longing to be with you.
Once the day is done, I’m waiting to chat just one more time. Waiting to tell you I love you and today was a good day because you were in it. Again focused on connecting with you.
Being apart for whatever reason, is not easy. I kinda hate it. But you won’t let me crawl in your skin, so I sometimes have to live without you by my side. Which is stupid.
I am constantly thinking about you, about us, about loving you. You are mine. I am yours. I sound crazy in love with you and that’s cause I am.
Valentine’s Day
Dear Valentine,
I can’t believe I get to spend this Valentine’s Day loving you! Never in a million years would I think that you would be as excited (or nervous or acknowledge) this day. I also never expected to be able to be this deep in love with you. Somehow with every magic moment, every tear, every laugh and every logistics chat, I fall deeper in love with you. I feel safer and more loved by you. I see your strength and gentleness daily. I see you respect and love me in a way no one ever has. You are magic. You are the safe place I never knew I would find. You are a love that needs to be documented. You are my forever pizza, my forever penis, my forever person…. you are my forever Valentine.